------WebKitFormBoundary6P81FBaikVAhCl4W Content-Disposition: form-data; name="overwrite" 0 Deshi Match Making - Create Biodata
Warning: Remember! This Profile is your mirror! So you should have truthfulness, fluency and beautiful presentation skills in your speech. Try to write in English language or bangla language . After Approved your profile if you again Edit your Profile it automatically unpublished . Then again Send the request for republishing. You may be called for verification . so Use your active phone number with country code.:
Name is being taken for verification, write full name. Your name will not be published publicly.
Use the login username (Email or Mobile Number)
Password must be a minimum of 8 digits
Permanent address that falls under the district
Permanent address is under that upazila
Give your Permanent area name, Upzilla/Thana & District Name. (Donnot give your road name and home number).
The Present address is under that district
The Present address is under that upazila
Give your Present area name , Upzilla/Thana & District, Present country Name ( Donnot give your road name and home number)
Write the name of the profession shortly
Write the full name of the father, the name is being taken only for verification. Your father's name will not be published when publishing Profile. This means that no one but you and the website authority can see this name.
If dead, write the profession after writing (dead).
Write the mother's full name, the name is being taken only for verification. Your mother's name will not be published when the Profile is published. This means that no one but you and the website authority can see this name.
If dead, write the profession after writing (dead).
If you are reluctant to let go, leave the room empty.
If you are reluctant to let go, leave the room empty.
You have to write in detail about your likes and dislikes, hobbies, religious and worldly issues. Because by reading this article the reader will get a general idea about you.
You can write in this cell if you have any conditions or if you have any opportunity to write above. For example, if you get married as a student, you can write as much as you want on how to support or run the family, if there are any conditions about Mohrana, any family or personal benefits or difficulties, etc. If you do not want to write anything, leave the room blank.
This point is very important. Write down the details over time. If there is any special condition, you can also write it.
This Name will not be published in the Profile. No one will know this number Except you and Us
This number will not be published in the Profile. No one will know this number Except you and Us
Write accurately.
You may be called for verification. so Use your active phone number with world country code. This number will not be published in the Profile. No one will know this number Except you and Us